Home>Villa Ortaglia – Tuscany>Location & Transportation

Villa Ortaglia

Via San Jacopo 331
50036 Vaglia Florence, Italy

Tel. +39 337 1500547
Email: info.ortaglia@ldchotels.com

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Nearby Cities and Airports

By car

  • Florence city center – 12 Km (20 minutes)
  • Florence airport – 16Km (35 minutes)
  • Borgo San Lorenzo – 22 Km (25 minutes)
  • Prato – 30 Km (40 minutes)
  • Siena – 90 Km (1h 30)
  • Bologna – 100 Km (1h 30m)
  • Livorno – 104 Km (1h 30m)

By train

  • Rome – 280 Km (1h 30m)
  • Venice – 260 Km (2h 05m)

How to reach us

FROM BOLOGNA (A1 highway)

The Bologna region is located 100 km away from Villa Ortaglia, and is an hour and half drive by A1 highway.


Take the Firenze Nord exit, follow the road towards the Amerigo Vespucci airport and signs to Centro, Viali Circonvallazione, Piazza della Libertà. Follow the signs for Bologna and take Via Bolognese until reaching Pratolino. At the village exit (on the right side) follow the sign to Villa Ortaglia. (1.6 km from Pratolino).

FROM ROME, NAPLES (A1 highway)

Take the Firenze Sud exit and continue along the SP127 main access road. At the roundabout of via della Casaccia, take the second exit to Lungarno Aldo Moro, keeping to the left. Follow the roads to Piazza della Libertà, and follow the signs to Bologna and take Via Bolognese until reaching Pratolino. At the village exit (on the right side) follow the sign to Villa Ortaglia. (1.6km from Pratolino).